Terms and conditions

All information and software on or linked to from this website is provided in good faith. While care is taken to ensure that the information provided on this site is accurate, Geeksdo accepts no liability for errors or omissions, or for the effects caused by any software, information or link contained in this website.

Software purchases

Geeksdo is neither the developer nor the vendor of any software product described on this site. We are not a reseller. All other products are developed, sold and supported directly by third party companies. When purchasing a third party product by clicking a Buy Now button or similar link on this site, you will be referred directly to the shopping cart page of the third party in question. This shopping cart page may be operated by the third party directly or - more commonly - by a secure and trustworthy e-commerce provider contracted by the publisher / developer to handle sales, such as Plimus, RegNow or ShareIt.

Your legal contract of purchase is with the third party developer or publisher of the product you bought. It is their responsibility to provide you with the product or license key that you purchased, and to provide you with technical support regarding the installation or use of the product, if needed.

If any issue arises regarding your purchase, you should contact the developer or publisher directly. If you are unsure of how to contact them, the documentation or help provided with the product should provide the contact details.

For reasons of privacy, details of orders taken by third party software developers and publishers are never shared with Geeksdo. Therefore we have no information about your order and are unable to provide you with any assistance in resolving any problem you might have with a purchase. In the unlikely event that you are unable to obtain a satisfactory response to your complaint from a software publisher, we would advise that you take the matter up with the e-commerce provider that took your order on their behalf, or your credit card issuer.


Except where a software publisher states that they offer an unconditional money-back guarantee, requests for refunds are granted entirely at the discretion of the software publisher.

Most products featured on this site are available on a try-before-you-buy basis. You are advised to take advantage of this, because where free trials are offered, refunds are not generally granted after a license key has been issued.